Monday, September 20, 2010

Student Organizations- Get Involved!

Hey there, everyone! Welcome back to another one of my fun-filled little blogs. For those of you who are new to this blog, my name is Kyle. I’m a Speech Communication major with a minor in Military Science. I am a senior here it at Black Hills State University and my whole goal is to give you a current student’s perspective about life on our campus.

Life is already busy, even though we are barely into the semester. We’ve had a home football game that was pretty exciting. We won in overtime so it had us buzzing in the stands from start to finish. Classes are starting to have assignments come due, and as much as I don’t want to admit it, the summer is over. I need to buckle down and start knocking this stuff out. Between that, and the student organizations I am involved with, life has kept up a quick little tempo.
Speaking of student organizations (or student orgs, as we call them), the big event on campus last week was the Student-Organization Fair. Its pretty cool because most, if not all, of the orgs on campus took over the Student Union and set up tables to advertise their organizations to students in hopes of recruiting new members. In my earlier years at BHSU I would go nuts at this little fair and sign up for all sorts of things. Nowadays, I have the philosophy that I would rather be REALLY committed to a couple of orgs than to be kinda-sorta committed to A LOT of orgs.

I have had a good time in my organizations. I have met a ton of people that I would not have ordinarily met. Some of them are really close friends, but a lot of them are staff and faculty around school. That’s a handy benefit of being involved on campus: People know who you are and know you are a quality student. This makes them very likely to help you out, employ you, write letters of recommendation, and at the end of the day, they go on your resume as experience.

I’m telling you that I am not the best student in the world and I needed something more to help me feel connected to the campus as a whole. For some students that is academics. For others it’s intramural sports. For me, I got involved with student organizations and I felt I had a place with my school. It’s one of the things that have kept me around so long.

Well that is all for today. Swing by again and see what other fun stuff I get to rant about. In the mean time, check out our website at under the “Student Life” tab you can find a lot of information about the different organizations on our campus.

Until next time!

Kyle Wade
BHSU Senior Student Blogger

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