Monday, July 11, 2011

Discover BHSU @ Summer View

Are you heading out to the Black Hills for a summer vacation? Do you live in the area and need an excuse to get out of the house? Are you interested in attending BHSU in the future?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above then you need to come join us on Friday, July 15th for Summer View here at Black Hills State University! Summer View is much like our Preview Day events that we offer throughout the academic year, only it’s a onetime chance to check out campus during the summer. We know how hectic your schedules can get once school, sports and all of the other important activities you are involved in start in the fall, so we like to offer a chance to get a sneak peak at what BHSU is all about during the summer.

During Summer View, students and guests will get to hear from faculty, staff and even current students about what it’s truly like to study at BHSU. We also provide a campus tour and free lunch at The Hive – our wonderful dining facility. Students and guests will also have the opportunity of meeting with tons of different faculty and staff at our information fair. Representatives from all of our colleges, student organizations, financial aid and much more will be covered during the fair.

Have I convinced you that you need to come? I sure hope so!

Signing up is super simple. All you need to do is visit and fill out the registration form or you can call us at 605-642-6343 and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the event and get you signed up today!

If you can’t make it to Summer View but like the sounds of this event – no worries, we have plenty of opportunities to come visit campus throughout the year. To learn more about our visit opportunities, please check out for more information.

I hope you’re all having a wonderful summer! See you on campus soon!


Anne Dickman
BHSU Admissions Counselor