Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Preview Day, Receptions & High School Visits!

Happy Tuesday! The last few days have been exceptional when it comes to the weather. Who would have thought that we could have 70+ degree temperatures in November?!?! Not me! The nice weather is about to come to an end for now, however, as cooler temps are moving in just in time for our next Preview Day on November 20, the Pierre & Gillette Receptions on November 15 and 16 respectively, and many High School Visits posted on our On the Road calendar!

Our next Preview Day is on Saturday, November 20. We are expecting over 180 students and guests at this Preview Day and for that reason, we have closed the date for further reservations. If you were hoping to attend Preview Day on November 20 and had not yet registered, our next Preview Day will be on Friday, December 10 which is right around the corner! To sign up for this date, log in to www.BHSU.edu/PreviewDay or give us a call at 605.642.6343. We look forward to welcoming all of our November 20 Preview Day attendees and guests! Check-in for this event will begin at 8:30 am in the Student Union lobby, and the program will conclude around 1:00 pm. At Preview Day, you will meet current BHSU students, faculty, and staff; tour the campus, and learn more about our academic programs, admission requirements, financial aid options, scholarship opportunities and much more!

We will be hitting the road on Monday, November 15, heading to the Ramkota in Pierre for our annual Pierre Reception & Information Night, and will turn around the next day Tuesday, November 16 and head to the Best Western Tower West Lodge in Gillette, WY for our annual Gillette Reception & Information Night! The one hour programs will feature students, faculty and professional staff from Admissions & Financial Aid, Residence Life, Student Leadership Programs, the College of Arts & Sciences, the College of Business & Technology, the College of Education, and much more! Attend either the Pierre or Gillette Receptions for a chance to win a $500 scholarship! Register for one of the receptions today to secure your spot by clicking on the links provided above or by giving us a call at 605.642.6343. There's still time to register!

I just finished a great week on the road visiting high schools in Nebraska. I had the opportunity to speak with some fantastic students, and look forward to seeing a lot of them on the BHSU campus this fall! Also, Anne had a great time in Wyoming and Emily spoke with a lot of you in Colorado! We thoroughly enjoy meeting each and every one of you and having the opportunity to help you through the BHSU admissions process. This week, Emily is on the road in eastern SD; and next week Anne will be in Montana while Emily heads back to eastern SD. To keep track of which schools we will be visiting, stay tuned to our On the Road page. Don't see your school on our road page? Give us a call at 605.642.6343 and we will try our best to set up a time to come see you.

Have a great week! GO JACKETS!

Maria Hartung
BHSU Admissions Counselor